Malaysia Conference 2024

Malaysia Conference 2024

From the 24th to the 26th of October, the 30th International Conference on Spina Bifida and
Hydrocephalus was organised in Kuala Lumpur by the Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
Association of Malaysia (SIABIM) in collaboration with the International Federation for Spina
Bifida and Hydrocephalus (IF). India participated in the IFSBH Conference for the first time
with 20 delegates attending.

The title of the workshop was, ‘Becoming an advocate in your city’. The speakers for Spina
Bifida were young individuals who have made a difference and aspire to continue advocating
for persons with disabilities particularly individuals and children with Spina Bifida.

The Spina Bifida Foundation and organisers of the conference supported the participation of
the Individuals with Spina Bifida. 6 were individuals with Spina Bifida and 2 were wheelchair
users. Ms Maahi Rude and Ms Khushboo Ganatra presented papers for the first time and
took part in panel discussions.

About SBF

The SBF, a not-for-profit organisation was formed by Medical Professionals and parents of Spina Bifida Children who have been involved in the care and upbringing of Spina Bifida patients in India for more than a decade. Since 1997, we – a group of doctors, parents and well wishers have been consistently working for the cause of improving the lives of Spina Bifida (SB) patients and for preventing SB.